The project supported all 30 schools targeted for intervention in the first year with anti-COVID materials including disinfectants and face masks (for both children and school staff), as well as gloves (for adults only). Along with provision of protective materials, schoolchildren and teachers were taught/ instructed regarding the importance of handwashing, use of disinfectants, compliance with the physical distance requirements, and correct use of face masks for personal protection. Overall 11,132 school children (5,965 boys and 5,427 girls) and 840 teachers (178 men and 652 women) were reached. Also, 27 informative sessions were organized with parents on the preventive measures against COVID-19.

The way the information sessions were organised, had a direct effect on the demand for such sessions: The project had planned to organise 25 sessions with parents on preventive measures against COVID-19, but more parents expressed a high interest to participate in these activities that they found very informative. Due to COVID-19 preventive measurements, we could not increase the number of participants per session and therefore two more sessions were organized in order to ensure the needs of parents are met. As this is a nationwide project, to increase the reach and that more persons can benefit, the parents invited to these sessions came from the same cities but not from the neighbourhoods of the 30 schools selected for direct intervention.

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